Titina Maselli (Roma 1924 – 2005), pittrice e scenografa teatrale. Dipinge fin dall’adolescenza trascorsa in un contesto culturale per lei molto stimolante.
Donna libera e coraggiosa: l’immagine che la rappresenta è quella di lei che, sola, gira di notte per le strade di Roma con tavolette e colori.
Nel 1952 va a vivere a New York, città per lei emblematica della condizione esistenziale moderna. Più tardi in Austria, e di nuovo Roma e Parigi.
Titina Maselli (b. Rome 1924 – d. Rome 2005), painter and theater set designer, began painting in her adolescence, inspired by the rich cultural milieu in which she was raised. She was an independent and bold woman, who would walk the streets of Rome at night by herself, armed with nothing but colored paints and wooden tablets for painting. In 1952, she moved to New York, a city that she saw as a symbol for modern existence. Later, she would live in Austria, then Rome again, then Paris.