
by livia

The Enrico Crispolti Archive is a private institution based in Rome, established in the mid-1950s.

It includes over 28,000 positions – relating to artists, critics, groups, movements, exhibitions, publications and other themes relating to art from the 19th to the 21st century – collected in folders and filing cabinets. Such positions include the so-called “no book material”, ie advertisements, brochures, light exhibition catalogs, brochures, as well as correspondence, photographs, color photos, newspaper clippings, notes, audio and / or video recordings.

Over time, the Enrico Crispolti Archive has acquired, in original or copy, the materials of other archival collections: Fondo Francesco Di Cocco (in original), Arturo Ciacelli, Pasqualino, Galleria Mediterranea and Stefano Cairola collections (copy).

Particular in-depth materials in folders concern the areas of Futurism, Informal, Dada in Italy, Art in Italy between the two wars, Pop Art, Environmental Art, Trade Union Exhibitions as well as materials relating to individual artists. The Enrico Crispolti Archive has been declared of public interest and subject to restrictions under the Presidential Decree no. 1409 of 30 September 1963, by the provision of the Superintendence of Archival and Library Heritage of Lazio of 14 November 1992.

After the change of headquarters from via di Ripetta 132 to via Livenza 2 (2014) and the death of Enrico Crispolti (2018), the Archive is being rearranged and filed.


Over time, the activities of the Archive have reflected the multifunctional character desired by Enrico Crispolti and in particular include the areas of:

Consultation by scholars, researchers, university professors and curators Crispolti historical

design and production

Consultancy relating to exhibition and editorial initiatives, for intervention projects in the territorial context and training, authentication and attribution of the work of the artists studied.

In 1994, the Archive provided documentary material for the preparation of the first volume of the General Catalog of the Municipal Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rome, published by the De Luca editions, Rome;
In 2004, the Archive was among the promoters of the Io Arte – Noi Città conference. Nature and culture of urban space , at the MACRO conference room, Rome, and edited the publication of the proceedings (Gangemi Editore, Rome, 2006;

In collaboration with the MIUR, the Municipality of Rome and the Order of Architects of Rome and Lazio

Between December 1999 and May 2000, the Archive is among the promoters of the ARTEINFORMAZIONE Convention. The Italian identity for Europe , in (Donzelli 2001) in collaboration with the MIUR.

In 2001, the Archive promoted the Art / Architecture / City event. Project forum and more. 38 proposals for the refurbishment of Piazza Augusto Imperatore , and edited the publication of the catalog and related documents, in collaboration with the Order of Architects of Rome (Prospettive Edizioni, Rome, 2003) which it introduces.

In 2005, the Archive is scientific advisor to the Municipality of Rome (Department VI UO 2 – Planning and general planning SC Complex Programs of the Department of Urban Planning Planning and Planning Policies of the Territory – Roma Capitale) and has participated in the Commission “Planning of public works and application of the law 29 July 1949 n. 717 “. The Commission produced the analysis that led to the Council’s resolution no. 150, April 5, 2006, in which the guidelines for the design of artistic interventions for the realization of public works were defined, in a perspective of extensive regulation of the law of 1949.

After the passing of Enrico Crispolti, the Archive, at the behest of the heirs, set for itself as medium-term objective the digitalization and online consultation of the material in the archive.



the Archive has been located on the first floor of Piazza Nicosia 25 since the beginning of the 1960s util the early 1980s. In 1983, it was moved to via di Ripetta 132 where, since 2006, the entrance on the street has been marked on the outside by the sculpture Innesti d’Archivio , by Alberto Timossi (repr. 1-3, see scanned attachment ). Since 2014, the Archive has been permanently relocated to Via Livenza 2, whose entrance, since 2016, is characterized by the Frondelianasculpture , by Roberto Almagno (rip.… See, scanned attachment ).