The Enrico Crispolti Archive is a private institution based in Rome, established in the mid-1950s.
It includes over 28,000 positions – relating to artists, critics, groups, movements, exhibitions, publications and other themes relating to art from the 19th to the 21st century – collected in folders and filing cabinets. Such positions include the so-called “no book material”, ie advertisements, brochures, light exhibition catalogs, brochures, as well as correspondence, photographs, color photos, newspaper clippings, notes, audio and / or video recordings.
Over time, the Enrico Crispolti Archive has acquired, in original or copy, the materials of other archival collections: Fondo Francesco Di Cocco (in original), Arturo Ciacelli, Pasqualino, Galleria Mediterranea and Stefano Cairola collections (copy).
Particular in-depth materials in folders concern the areas of Futurism, Informal, Dada in Italy, Art in Italy between the two wars, Pop Art, Environmental Art, Trade Union Exhibitions as well as materials relating to individual artists. The Enrico Crispolti Archive has been declared of public interest and subject to restrictions under the Presidential Decree no. 1409 of 30 September 1963, by the provision of the Superintendence of Archival and Library Heritage of Lazio of 14 November 1992.
After the change of headquarters from via di Ripetta 132 to via Livenza 2 (2014) and the death of Enrico Crispolti (2018), the Archive is being rearranged and filed.